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Community Guidelines

We want to hear from you! Please let us know how you feel about our programming or the news we cover in the comments and live chat sections on the social media platforms we use.

Contribute to the conversation by keeping your comments relevant to Essential and its programming and on topic and direct your comments at issues instead of individuals.

Essential supports the right to freedom of speech and encourages open and constructive debate on its social media pages.

However, we will not tolerate comments containing offensive language, personal attacks, nudity, trolling, threatening statements, abuse, support for illegal or violent actions, spam, defamation, impersonation, sharing of personal information, copyright infringement, cryptocurrency giveaways, and invitations to social media lists.

Essential reserves the right to remove comments or block social media users that don’t adhere to these guidelines and is not responsible for comments and social media activity other than its own.

Essential Network Community | Powered by Locals